The following problem appeared in Selection Test II of International Maths Olympiad Training Camp 2010, India :
Given an integer k > 1, show that there exists an integer n > 1 and distinct positive integers a1, a2 ,..., an ( > 1) such that the sums ∑aj and ∑φ(aj) are both k-th powers of some integers. ( Here φ(m) denotes the number of positive integers less than m and relatively prime to m.)
The line of action I took was to select aj 's which are square free so that φ(aj) is related to aj in a simple way [here if aj = p1 p2 ... pr is the prime factorisation into distinct primes then φ(aj) = (p1-1)(p2-1) ... (pr -1) ] .....
The next thought was to select aj 's so that ∑φ(aj) is also related to ∑aj in a simple way so that "latter is a k-th power" easily implies "former is a k-th power" ....
Let ∑aj = λk
Then comes the main idea ..... why not take λ to be a number that can be written as a sum of 2 distinct primes in k different ways!! ...... write the above as .... ∑aj = λ.λ....λ (k times) = (sum of primes in first way)(second way)......(kth way) .... expand the product of brackets and take each term in the expansion to be our aj 's (each of which is square free and distinct)
And since in φ(aj)'s prime factorisation is obtained by replacing each prime factor p of aj by (p-1), we have ∑φ(aj) = (λ-2)k .
What remains to prove is a beautiful result that has emerged out :
Given k > 1, there exists a number λ that can be written as a sum of two distinct primes in at least k different ways.
The proof I present is a nice use of the Prime Number Theorem ( which states that limx→∞ ( π(x) log x ÷ x ) = 1 ; π(x) denotes the number of primes less than or equal to x). In fact the well known elementary result π(n) > (n ÷ 6 log n) [here n is an integer] is sufficient to prove it. The proof is due to Dr. M.A. Prasad who is a regular faculty at the IMOTC :
There are π(n) prime numbers less than or equal to n and thus C2π(n) ways of choosing two of them and summing them ... thus there are C2π(n) distinct sums less than or equal to 2n .... therefore at least (C2π(n) ÷ 2n) of them are equal say equal to λ. What remains to show is that there is an n such that (C2π(n) ÷ 2n) is at least k. But (C2π(n) ÷ 2n) = [π(n)][π(n) – 1] ÷ 4n > (n – 6 log n) ÷ (12 log n)2 [ using π(n) > (n ÷ 6 log n) ] which is an increasing function and therefore (C2π(n) ÷ 2n) is an increasing function and thus is greater than k for large n.
We have thus obtained λ that can be written as a sum of two distinct primes in at least k different ways.
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