Sunday 5 December 2010

Welcome to my mathematical fantasy...

The universe is a manifestation of mathematics. But only a part of it is manifested as the physical world.

Complicated  rare creatures who can sit focused for hours without showing any signs of life and suddenly come up with an idea that can change the World......These are mathematicians......
They play with everything and anything..... this is their art and living....
This blog is not a set of problems for the readers to solve but a set of ideas for the readers to ponder. My primary aim will always remain  "creating ideas out of nowhere" ...and that is the real mathematics. I will occasionally be including some philosophy and abstracts providing insight into a mathematicians mind besides putting together new ideas evolving in mathematics, new methods of solving problems, innovative proofs of  some old problems and the thoughts that inspired them. This is going to be a collection of some really weird elementary mathematics!!! :-)


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